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Administrative Staff

  • Dylan Davis
  • Nick Palmere
    Vice President of Administration
  • Sue Radtke
    Vice President of Recording
  • Les Richardson
    Vice President of Finance
  • Robert Thomas
    Vice President of Advocacy and Government Relations
  • Donna Connelly
    2nd VP of Human Resources
  • Vacant
    2nd VP of Marketing
  • Jennifer Quinn and Linda Stoffregen
    2nd VP of Philanthropy
  • Nathan Stewart
    Chief of Staff
  • Jo-Ann Wolfe
  • Vacant
    Fundraising Analyst
  • Jim Goulden
    Building Maintenance Director
  • David Hull
    Cadet Program
  • Ken Hughes
  • Magie Foor
    Public Relations Director
  • Belinda Miller
    Graphic Designer
  • Vacant
  • Steve Adelsberger
    Community Education
  • Heather Blubaugh
  • Kim Blubaugh
    Community Room
  • Shellie Holthaus

Operations Staff

  • Michael Connelly
    Chief Operations Officer
  • Zack Wiedeck
    Suppression Captain
  • Shane Wendt
    EMS Captain
  • Rick Blubaugh III
    Senior Lieutenant

  • 2nd Lt. Fire

  • Fire Sgt.
  • Joshua Wolf
    2nd Lt. EMS
  • Hunter Schaffer
    EMS Sgt.

  • Apparatus Coordinator
  • Casey Novak
    Training Director

  • Training Lt.
  • Dave Hepner
    1st Lt. Safety Officer and Clearances
  • Vacant
    2nd Lt. Safety Officer and Clearances
  • Robert Pederick
    1st Rehab Lieutenant

  • 2nd Lt. Rehab

  • Rehab 2nd Lt.

Board of Directors

Kevin C. Palmer Jr.

  • Danny Dietrich
    1st Vice Chairperson
  • Vineet Sancheti
    Member at Large
  • Barrett Henderson
    Member at Large
  • Jess Sweigart
    Community Member
  • Alex Mawry
    Community Member
  • Joshua Ryan
    Community Member
  • Keith Wolcott
    Community Member
  • Stefanie Fay
    Community Member
  • Vacant
    Community Member

Note: The board also includes the President, VP of Administration, VP of Finance, VP of Recording, Suppression Captain, and EMS Captain.