Transparency with our Community
We have many internal and external stakeholders who contribute to our mission. The information we share here provides transparency with our community.
GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency
As a gold-level participant of GuideStar, the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations, we have demonstrated our commitment to transparency.
On our GuideStar profile, you will find information on our:
- Programs
- Fire and rescue response
- Community outreach and public safety education
- EMS ambulance transport
- Financials
- Revenue and expenses
- Balance sheet
- IRS 990 filing forms
- Operations
- Board of directors
- Officers
GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Nonprofit
As a top-rated nonprofit, we have been endorsed by stakeholders, community members, local businesses and our own volunteers.
Annual Report
Our annual reports contain messages from the president and captain, company information, board of directors update financial summary, apparatus update, call statistics, membership information, training, promotions, community outreach, donors and sponsors, fundraising, membership spotlight, notable events, notable incidents and other information.