Hi Frens,
I HOPE you’re all enjoying your summer and getting outside to get the stink blown off ya. Tuesdays are a great day to get outside cuz you can come to Food Truck night at our station and enjoy delicious food and pawsome music. Speaking of music, have you signed up for our Fields of Fire Country Concert emails and bought your tickets for the concert in September. You can click here to sign up and get your tickets
Summer is the bestest time of year to remind all my frens of some water safety tips.
If you have a pool or are planning a day for swimming, tubing, boating, kayaking or any other kind of water activity, please paws for a moment to read these water safety tips before you go –
- Always, always wear sunscreen, even if the sun isn’t out.
- Know the weather for your day. Storms pop up quickly this time of year and can be dangerous, especially near open water.
- Know the depth of the water you’re in even if you can swim.
- If you’re on a watercraft of any type, wearing a life jacket is the bestest way to ensure your safety.
- Make sure the life jacket is the right size for you and that there are enough for everyone.
- Never swim alone.
- Always supervise children near water.
- Don’t play breath-holding games. They’re dangerous.
- Always go in the water feet first.
- Never, ever jump in the water to try to save a friend.
- Stay away from pool drains and filters.
- Stay in designated swimming areas only.
- Stay within arms length of children so you can act fast.
- Avoid distractions if you’re watching children in water such as being on your phone or drinking alcohol.
- If you’re on a crowded beach, make sure your kids can find you if they’re playing in the sand. Kids can get lost on the beach quickly cuz all the umbrellas look the same. Oof!
- Most importantly, teach your kids how to be safe near water too. Boops!

Whewee how about all these storms we’ve been having? I HOPE all my frens are staying safe. While you’re here, chew on these storm tips cuz the more you know, well, you know. Hehe!
- Do you know the difference between a watch and a warning? A watch means a storm is possible. A warning means a storm is happening. Both mean you should go indoors and close all your windows and doors.
- Since lightning can pop up anywhere, always check the weather before going on adventures, especially if you’re going near water.
- If a thunderstorm watch is issued for your area, keep your eyes on the skies and head indoors if you hear or see a storm around you. Do not wait for the rain to begin. It doesn’t have to rain for lightning and thunder to arrive.
- Never stand under a tree in a storm or if one is heading your way. Stay as far away from trees as possible.
- Do not go in any water.
- Ever get those annoying alerts on your phone that say seek shelter now? Do it no matter what the sky looks like in your area. Better to be safe and hide than to risk those alerts being wrong. I’m never wrong. Boop!
- If you have pets and children, make sure you keep them with you.
- If you have access to the NOAA Radio, it’s a GRReat way to stay informed during bad weather.
- Unplugging appliances is also a good idea for bad storms. If there is an electrical storm, appliances that are unplugged are much less likely to be affected.
- Do not touch metal or plugged in electronics during a storm.
- If you’re out during a thunderstorm, stay in your car. If you’re not in a vehicle, crouch down in the most open area as possible and keep your feet together.
- Wait at least 30 minutes after you heard the last thunder and saw the last lightning before returning outdoors.
- Don’t forget to plug everything back in when you go back indoors, especially your alarm clocks and your automatic pet feeders. Boops!
That’s all the safety tips I have to share with you, but if you want to learn more, visit our Facebook page, and don’t forget to sign up to receive my email while you’re here!
Thank you for visiting my blog! See you at Food Truck Tuesdays!
⁓ Hope ⁓