Hi Frens!
Guess what time it is! It’s that time of year when I get to send you tips all about fire prevention.
Before you get roped in about fire prevention, paws for a moment and take a look at these fall safety tips first –

Vehicle and pedestrian safety reminders are my favorite cuz they’re about you so make sure you read these –
- Slow down when you see pedestrians or bicycles.
- Always wear your seatbelt. I do! hehe
- Headlights make us more visible day and night.
- School buses make frequent stops. Make sure you stop for them when their lights flash yellow or red.
- Use crosswalks whenever possible to cross any street.
- If there isn’t a crosswalk, cross at a corner.
- Never cross a street between cars. Oof!
- Make sure your children cross the street with an adult and hold hands.
- If you have to run to beat a car, that means it isn’t a safe crossing. Wait for the car to pass and walk safely so you don’t trip or fall or worse!
- Wear bright clothing when you will be a pedestrian so drivers can see you better.
- Always use your turn signals when changing lanes or turning. Always!
- If your vehicle gets a flat or your car stalls, put your flashers on immediately and when possible, try your best to move to the right and get as far off the road as possible.
- If you see any vehicle on the side of the road, move over and slow down.
- If you see an emergency vehicle with their lights on, slow down and move over. It is the law and it will keep you safe too.
- You should read these again and share them.
Whew! Had to wet my whistle after all that! Hehe!