Hellooo my favorite hoomans!
We are a few weeks into summer and whewee is it ever hot! Ouchies for the hot sidewalks!
I has lots to share with all my frens to help keep everyone safe this summer. I HOPE to get lots and lots of boops and treats for this one cuz it’s pawsome! Boop!
This heat wears me out! Oof!

Since the sun is still hot, hot, hot, follow these tricks for goin outside! Oof! –
- Sunscreen and more sunscreen! Glob it on and get smelly like me!
- Since we can’t put sunscreen in our hair, hats are grrreat to wear! I rhymed! Boops! Babies in hats are cute! Like me!
- Sidewalks and streets get hot! Put shoes on the little ones who want to walk, including your doggos! Jus kiddin about the doggo shoes, but try to let us walk on the grass pleaz! Boops for that pawsome idea!
- Drink lots and lots of water and change outside water bowls for pets often too! Warm water is yucky to drink!
- Day or night, keep the bug spray in sight!
- Check everyone for ticks, not just the doggos!
Going swimming or boating? Remember these –
- Sunscreen and more sunscreen! Ya, I repeated that one cuz it’s special like you!
- Lifejackets aren’t for boat decorations – they could save a life so wear them and put them on the little ones in case of an emergency. Oof!
- Put emergency contact and health information on a piece of paper and store in a zip lock bag. If you have allergies to anything outdoors, add your epipen to the bag as well. Always let others know you have allergies to anything or wear a bracelet!
- Know your location in the event of an emergency. Learn east and west and north and south or get a compass to have in your kit.
- Teach your kids how to know where you are on a beach. It’s easy to get confused when all those umbrellas on the beach look the same! Yikes!
- Sand gets hot! Wear shoes on da beach and put shoes on the little ones! Boop!
- Know the depth of the water you’re in. Don’t go in water above your head, especially if you’re a kid and think you can swim. Drownings can happen to anyone even if they just get too tired to swim more.
Remember these tips too!
- Don’t forget to drink lots and lots of water! Lots of water will help cool you down and it helps to prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke!
- Make sure you give your pets fresh water every day too!
While we’re talking about pets – The American Kennel Club and ADT Security Services gave me some boops, I mean tips on how to keep your pets safe at home. Check them out –
- Extinguish open flames – Pets are curious, especially the kitties, so they’ll investigate better than me and want to get closer to candles, cooking appliances and even your fireplace. Don’t leave them unattended while they’re lit.
- Make sure your pets aren’t left unattended around open flames so make sure to turn everything off before you leave. Oof!
- Be careful of the stove knobs cuz kitties can turn them on. Take the knobs off before you leave. That’s the bestest way to protect them!
- Get some flameless candles if you want the pretty lights in your house. Pets could knock over a candle and start a fire or get burned. Gotta watch those tails! Boop!
- Put your little pets in a crate or get some baby gates to keep the young ones away from potential fire hazards, especially when you aren’t home.
And in case you missed it –
Since it’s summer and we all love to exercise, I think all my frens need to know how to exercise safely to prevent heat exhaustion and a heat stroke. Here’s some tips from my favorite hoomans at the American Heart Association for you to follow and be safe –
- It’s best to get your exercise in before noon or after 3pm cuz that’s when the sun is the hottest and strongest and makes it harder to stay cool. Yuckies!
- Exercise with a friend cuz that’s lots more fun and it’s safer too. I love exercising! Oof!
- Wear well-ventilated shoes and socks that absorb your sweat. Eww!
- Wear light colored and light weight clothing. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on too. Boop!
- Drink lots and lots of water and avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages.
- Take lots of breaks and cool down in the shade while you drink lots of water. It’s the bestest!
Here’s some things to look out for in the heat:
If you experience any of the following symptoms, move to shade or go inside and cool down with some cold, wet clothes or compresses and some fanning.
Heat exhaustion symptoms include the following:
- Headaches
- Cool, moist skin
- Dizziness and light-headedness
- Weakness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Dark urine
The symptoms of heat stroke include the following –
- Fever (temperature above 104 °F)
- Irrational behavior
- Extreme confusion
- Dry, hot, and red skin
- Rapid, shallow breathing
- Rapid, weak pulse
- Seizures
- Unconsciousness
If you or someone near you is experiencing these symptoms, call 911 right away. Don’t delay!
Don’t forget to get your tickets for the Fields of Fire Country Concert on 9/18/21 at 5:00 pm
For more information, visit here – https://wmvfc.org/concert/
Also- if you haven’t gotten your raffle tickets yet, here’s the links to those faboolous prizes –
A 2021 Nissan Rogue! Come check it out on Food Truck Tuesdays!
Are you a Ravens Fan – Here’s an Experience you’ll love!
See ya Tuesday ~ Hope ~